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Writer's pictureLisa Baldacchino

Jeremy Grech -Nominee for Young Artist Of the Year

Heelloo Beautiful People.. I hope you are having a good week and that you are safe. Premju Ghall- Arti are just around the corner so this week we have decided to catch up with one of the nominees who was also in our January show.

This week we shall be featuring

Jeremy Grech

Jeremy Grech is a 23 year old Performing Artist, Co - Coordinator and Drama Teacher at SOPA, Artisan and Full Time Pirate!

Jeremy primarily works in the Theatre sector as an actor and writer but he does do some other work. Jeremy has been in

Rock of Ages by TAC Theatre,

Phantom of the Opera by Grapevine,

Orpheus and the Underworld at Teatru Manoel,

New Lengths for Holqa Festival,

Cats the Musical by Hoi Polloi

For The Love of Music - The Kettle Club

Pepper in Mamma Mia FM Theatre Productions,

Holly and the Dreamcatcher - Comedy Knights,

Villians by Antler Theatre for the Malta International Theatre Festival where he won best upcoming actor

Sette by The New Victorians

'You know in theatre you have to do everything...writing,backstage,lights....but we love it'

How did you get started in the theatre sector?

I always loved being on stage from a young age, from school plays to well...basically thats it. When I was 15ish after I left Handaq Secondary school, I knew that now we probably wont have school plays like we do here, Christmas play and prize day. So after my mum pushed me, i enrolled at the Malta Drama Centre, under the tuition of my idol, work made and now best friend Sean Briffa! After that I joined TMYT for a year. After that, my career kind of kicked off and I haven’t stopped since. I am quite happy to be where I am today, especially since I started learning at a late age.

When did you realise that theatre is something you were really passionate about and something you wanted to continue in?

After 2 years at the Malta Drama Centre, Alan Fenech had asked me I wanted to be in 1565 First and last hope, I had done some small plays (drama school shows) but this was my first big play working among Maltese veterans such as Carlos Farrugia and the late Zep Camilleri may he rest in peace wherever that legend is! After that I went straight to ‘Faith, Hope and Charity’ where I was also among some of Maltas finest! And I guess thats when it hit me, the late night rehearsals, fun with the cast backstage, the theatre itself, and those drinks after rehearsals where you get to meet all these wonderful artists! Thats when I knew this was the life I wanted, this is what I am passionate about, this is where I want to grow up, on stage!

Recently you were nominated or Young Artist of the Year, what was your reaction when you

found out about it?

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (im actually quoting), i was over the moon, Saturn, all the way to the sun, came back with a tan! Its quite exciting knowing that you are competing among some of the islands greatest artists. There is always a special line up, and having you name up there is already exciting enough!

How does it feel now with awards a couple of days away?

As excited as ever. I was pretty bummed when i found out it was postponed due to the current crisis, but now that they still kept the same date, I’ve got butterflies all over. I mean yes, its all online but, safety first!

You also make jewellery through your company Libertalia, how did that come about?

Ahh yes my baby! It started in 2018, I fell in love with crystals for real! I was already a big fan...growing up watching Treasure Island, Indiana Jones, Atlantis and Pirates of the Caribbean

leaves an impact and not just on crystals, but fashion too. But when I first walked into a crystal shop i was swept off my feet, I realised that I was spending too much! Mostly, I had to cut down. I bought my first set of pliers, some raw gemstones and wire! And started crafting! After that I was asked to make some pieces here and there after they saw my stuff, and so Libertalia was born!

What is the rehearsal process like for an actor?

When it comes to rehearsing, it kind of depends on who you’re working with! Some directors just call you for your scene, some call you in for the whole session. Either way its fun, you get to see other people work on their scenes, you see different techniques, pick up on certain details and you might also have a say in how the scene could develop. Rehearsals are what build a show obviously. The can be long and exhausting but with the right attitude they can be very productive. From every rehearsal, you will definitely learn something.

What is production week process like for you?

Ohhhh production week! Sometimes it can seem longer than it actually is, those long nights in the theatre, waiting to go on stage, the costume changes, the restating of every dance number. It’s a week of tension, people getting stressed and caffeine overdose, especially if you have an early morning! Although, I think it’s the most rewarding phase in rehearsal mode. You get to see the set, lights, hear the orchestra, its a magical trip that leads to an even more magical moment…opening night! Plus, you get to see different forms of art come together to deliver the same product, from the backstage crew making sure all transitions are smooth to the sound man making sure you’re not too loud!

You previously mentioned that you work as a Drama Teacher at SOPA, what is that like, being able to inspire young creative minds?

To be able to teach kids is such a different experience. I love teaching, especially to those who want to learn. There are so many kids who are talented in the arts, for those we just have to refine their talent, lead them in what we hope is the right path into expanding their talent. As for others, I love to push them. A Childs greatest tool is imagination, they’re so colourful when it comes to imagination, and though art it can turn into something magical. To inspire young children, hear them say you’re their favourite teacher (although some say it for brownie points to literally every tutor) and to have them want to become like you (an acting pirate!) Is so rewarding, but what’s more rewarding watching them grow up into fine artists, to see them on stage putting your lessons into action; that in my opinion is the greatest reward a tutor could get

Any advice for people who want to be creatives in such an industry?

Just like any job, it’s got its pros and cons, to me, being an artist is a dream. You’re always on the go, waiting to see where your next home is gonna be for the next three months, floating from one show to the other, one audience to the other. It’s a rewarding job, you meet a lot of different artists, perform in many different venues and work for some great companies. The industry is not just about what you give to the audience, it’s also about what you take. I see actors as being Stage Vampires, you take the audiences energy and turn it into performance juice, and the applause at the end brings you back the next day to give out an even better show. Its nice to be open minded, to make sure you don’t just do one thing and say ‘oh no I’m an actor’, especially if you want to make a living. If they need light operators, try it out! Someone to stay with the script? Do it! Helping with a scene change? Lend a helping hand. Become a jack of all trades and do your best in whatever is required!

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